
Ozi: Voice of the Forest (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

In an exciting collaboration with composers Richard Harvey and Elwin Hendrijanto, Air-Edel Records will be releasing the soundtrack from the highly anticipated motion picture, GCIFilm’s Ozi: Voice of the Forest, directed by Tim Harper.

Featuring a star-studded cast, this epic score accompanies the story of a young orangutan who must save the forest she calls home from deforestation. Ozi: Voice of the Forest (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is available across all major digital streaming platforms including iTunes, Amazon, TIDAL, Deezer and Spotify.

“[…] The subject matter of the film really resonated with me. I feel incredibly strongly about deforestation, loss of habitat and climate change. It was a hat that both Elwin and I wore throughout, we wanted to be complicit in the messaging of the film. One of the benefits of modern online culture, is that music from other cultures is accessible and frequently accessed by people looking for something different, all over the world. The collaboration process was fun. We got together in Thailand to create all the core themes and to divide up the tasks according to our talents. Whilst selecting the tracks for the OST, we’ve tried to keep the chronology in place – I think the music does very much tell the story if you’ve not seen the movie yet, or strongly remind you of it if you have!” – Richard Harvey

“[…] As an Indonesian, I have a deep dream of preserving our beautiful forests, mountains, and seas forever. My vision extends beyond our country to include the natural wonders of the entire world. Given that orangutans are primarily found in Kalimantan (Borneo) and parts of Sumatra, I was inspired to create a score that incorporates the nuances and instruments of the traditional music from these regions. It has been my dream to introduce these unique musical languages to the world. The sound world of this project incorporates sound effects and ambient noises recorded in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. This immersive approach captures the true essence of the environment.” – Elwin Hendrijanto